No on 66 Campaign Succeeds

Dear HBA Members:
By now you have heard the good news about activist Dan Hayes’ intention NOT to proceed with the limited growth measure called Initiative 66. The Coalition of which the HBA and CAHB were instrumental, made the right decision this week by releasing a portion of our data, and it had the very intended effect we had hoped for. Hayes declared via the press that he is not going to go any further with this issue on this ballot. And, we are again on record with the press talking about how a measure such as this will exacerbate our housing affordability issue.
We thank you very much for your support on this issue – even as recent as yesterday. Our industry and the Coalition industry partners put forth an incredible effort, as did the very experienced and competent campaign consultant we hired. The work we focused on in Phase One of our campaign will pay dividends beyond this cycle; as we are prepared to meet any future challenges on growth issues.
Although we now do not have to continue worrying about this issue leading up to November, our work continues throughout the remainder of this election cycle to ensure we have the right decision makers and experts within the industry in place to protect Colorado property rights and home ownership. And there are still other ballot measures for which we need to evaluate our involvement, namely increased transportation infrastructure investment, which we know is related to the frustration that manifests itself in desires to limit housing growth.
Below are both articles from yesterday.
Please let me, Jeff, or Ted know should you have any questions.

Chérie Talbert
HBA Senior Vice President &
Executive Officer Metro Housing Coalition Political Committee
direct: 303-551-6734