Mission Statement
Metro Denver HBA University offers innovative approaches and flexible formats that enable members to take advantage of collaborative, dynamic professional development opportunities on a wide range of topics.

No matter what your career stage, knowledge level or availability, we offer courses that meet you where you are. The variety of educational options offered by your HBA include NAHB curriculum, seminars designed and specialized around the Denver market, government sponsored training and nationally recognized speakers.
The goal of the program is to develop and make available activities and programs which assist Builders and Associates in their work and enhance their professionalism.
HBAU is offering top quality evidence-based professional accredited and developmental opportunities to adult education professionals across Metro Denver. We offer courses in a format that is convenient and easy to use and offers participants the opportunity to interact with educators and experts throughout the field.
With the help of Metro Denver HBA University you can make an impact on your career right now! Sign up today for one of our upcoming classes and take charge of your career and your life!
Accredited courses are generally presented in credit hours and can span several days' worth of classroom, on-line and follow-up course work. Accredited courses are taught by certified instructors and usually involve testing at the conclusion of the course.
Developmental opportunities are courses that are not used to satisfy continuing education or professional designation requirements. Developmental courses are broad in spectrum and provide personal/professional growth. Developmental courses include information presented to improve skills and knowledge of a specified topic. These courses are generally presented in short blocks of time that can range from one-hour to half-day.
“It is nice to have the HBA offering more classes again. Education was the main reason I joined the HBA back in 1994. I have attended many classes over the years and so have my employees. I suggest that you have as many classes you can the count toward the CGB, CGR and GMB designations, and also classes on quality and field management.” ~ John Stevens, Sopris Homes
“Just wanted to convey how pleased I was with this class. Carol Smith is AWESOME. I have been to many classes, seminars, etc., and to have everyone still on the edge of their seats by the afternoon is quite an accomplishment, it was great!” ~ Jacie Jeffrey, Thrive Builders