Permitting Committee

2024 Committee Leadership
Travis Hendrix, KGA Studio Architects
Rose Marie Rodriguez, Taylor Morrison Homes
What does this Committee do?
The HBA of Metro Denver organized and hosted member Permit Managers and Coordinators in a roundtable forum for networking and a best practices discussion in late 2017. The group has evolved into the Permitting Committee. Working toward the goal of building relationships with local municipalities to encourage timely and efficient permit submittals and turn around times.
Permitting Committee Monthly Meetings
For information on the Permitting Committee Meetings contact Morgan Cullen, 303-551-6730.
Member Testimonials
"The Permitting Committee shares their experiences in homebuilding amongst a professional group.
We not only bring our successes to the table, but we also share our challenges and work with advocates amongst various groups to make building in the Denver Metro Area a more successful and efficient process.” ~ Kara DeGeneres, William Lyon Homes
“Municipalities are consistently evolving permitting processes. The Permitting Commitee members come together monthly to gain insight on the challenges we are facing and to share best practices, all while having the support of the HBA! Monthly meetings have allowed each company to improve efficiencies and build relationships aiding the growth we are all experiencing. I am honored to be a part of this amazing Committee and look forward to the wins we will all have!” ~ Sabrina Marben, Oakwood Homes