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Meet Emily Bonilla, YLC Member

Emily Bonilla
Product Development Manager,

Cultured Stone® by Boral
(720) 708-0924

What took you down this career path?

I worked in the restaurant business for 7 years, and after college realized I wanted a “day job” where I wouldn’t have to work nights, weekends, and holidays.  I started researching large Fortune 500 companies who could provide me with many opportunities and multiple career paths.  A family friend told me about a position open with Owens Corning in their Cultured Stone® division, so I applied.  I had no idea what the product was, but new I was ready for a change.  I knew if I set my mind to it, I could learn it!  Almost 11 years later, and I’m still “pushing rocks” 🙂  I have taken on multiple territories over in my time with Cultured Stone®, and 2 years ago became our Product Development Manager in addition to my sales role.

What’s the best thing about your job?

As a manufacturer rep, I get to work with all aspects of our industry.  My direct customers are our distributors, but I also call on all other parties involved in construction.  From Designers & Colorists, to Architects & Engineers, to Builders & Installers, every meeting and every day is very different.

Any advice for a newcomer to our industry?

Don’t hesitate to become involved.  There are so many great people ready to be a resource, mentor, and or, friend.  Utilize your network to help you learn and grow in this industry.

Why did you decide to be involved with the YLC? 

I was excited to be a part of a group of talented young professionals, who are bringing so much knowledge, various backgrounds, and talents to this industry.  I am anxious to see where we take this group and how it evolves over the next few years!

Is there anyone that helped you get to where you are today?  If so, who and how did you meet?

Both my Mom and Step-Dad have had a big influence on my career and personal development, as they have both spent many years in the building industry.  My Step-Dad works in a similar position to me and has coached and mentored me as I learned my way.  My Mom is an incredible woman who I have always admired and strived to be like.  She has been heavily involved in the HBA for as long as I can remember, and is an incredible networker!  She is always the first to volunteer, take on new challenges, lead councils, and bring people together.

Emily loves to travel

Name one of the most memorable experiences you have had in this industry. 

One of the most memorable experiences I have had in this industry actually happened in the last 2 years, as a result of being involved in another HBA council, Professional Women in Building!  I was lucky enough to get paired up for Random Acts of Coffee with YLC’s very own Wendy Diaz.  I had been wanting to work more closely with Wendy and Rick, the owner of Stella Color Design, and this was the perfect opportunity to meet!  Wendy and I had a wonderful time connecting, and she later introduced me to a couple of great people at Wonderland Homes.  Our partnerships (and more importantly friendships), began to grow, and a few months later we were taking a trip to Napa, so they could see our manufacturing facility and learn more about how Cultured Stone® is made.  This was the perfect example of the opportunities and connections we have through HBA councils, and a reminder that we all need to take advantage of them and be involved!

What are your hobbies?

I love everything Colorado has to offer outside:  sunshine, golfing, mountain biking & hiking, skiing and concerts at Red Rocks!  We also love to travel and experience this beautiful country!  I have a close family, and am grateful that we all love spending time together!

Name a fun fact about yourself. 

I have lived in 6 different states, 1 other country (Germany), and a total of 20 different houses in my lifetime!

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