How did you get started in your career?
Right out of college, I was hired by Peter Kiewit Sons (PKS) Company in their District Office located in Sheridan, Wyoming. At the time, there weren’t many private sector jobs for hydrologists, so this was a great foot in the door. No one at PKS knew anything about permitting or regulatory compliance when it came to water, so at the age of 22, I had full reign in developing, implementing, and reporting on all water related projects at their mining sites and many of their construction sites in the western U.S. This hands on experience, with the equipment and with the regulators, lent itself to a solid start in the business which I then was able to transfer this knowledge to other private sector companies, including the home building industry, as a consultant.
Has there been someone along the way that you credit with helping you get to where you are? And why?
I’ve had many mentors over the years and I have provided mentoring to many staff entering the business. Early in my career, it was my co-workers at PKS who were all in their 20’s where we were able to actually do what we set out to do, even able to make some mistakes along the way. As I moved further in my career, the entry and junior staff have the greatest influences, since I get a charge out of helping others advance in their careers. One of my favorite memories was to receive mentor of the year award at my previous employer.
What accomplishment or contribution to the Home Building industry are you most proud?
My active participation in the Stormwater Committee for the past 12-13 years, now as chair for the last 3 years. We’ve disseminated information, commented on pending regulations, met with most of the Denver Metro Front Range Municipal stormwater managers and the State Health Department, and provided an avenue for exchanging information and ideas. I have also helped several homebuilders out of a regulatory compliance jam (names to be withheld for obvious reasons).
Tell us 3 things about yourself that people don’t know.
1. I love to sail, most recently on a 48-foot sailboat in the Chesapeake Bay.
2. I am an vegetable gardener, having a garden since 1977 and currently have a vegetable garden that is about 16 feet by 40 feet in size.
3. I’ve been married for over 35 years to my wife Bebe and have two daughters in their 20’s that are happily married, own their own homes, and live in Colorado; we all have dogs.
Anything else you would like to share?
I’ve seen the HBA go through high times and low times, but they are always consistently there for the homebuilders. It’s been a pleasure working with HBA members over the years and I hope to continue to do so in the future. I have enjoyed my 38 years of experience. It is the clients, people, and the projects that make it all worth it….and I get to live in Colorado to boot.